

Stevens Institute proposes to take up lacrosse and form twelve. Many of the football men, who played on their energetic team of last fall, are interested in the movement.

Prof. Perry, of Williams College, has made a mathematical calculation by which he computes that Gest, the student who met his death while coasting in Williamstown, Mass., was moving when hurt at the rate of three miles per minute.

The commission which has been taking testimony in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, relative to the value of Cornell University lands, in the suit to break the will of Jennie McCraw-Fiske, shows that the university has a good deal of land out there, though the cash value of the timber on it is not tremendous. [Ex.

The Cambridge University crew is as follows: R. G. Gridley, 140 pounds (bow); 2, E. W. Haig, 161 lbs.; 3, P. G. S. Probert, 162 1-2 lbs.; 4, S. Swann, 188 lbs.; 5, F. E. Churchill, 190 lbs.; 6, J. C. Brown, 178 lbs.; 7, C. W. Moore, 167 lbs.; F. I. Pitman, 167 lbs. (stroke); C. Tyndal-Biscoe, 118 1-2 lbs. (cox). Average weight, 169 1-8 lbs.

The Bowdoin prizes have been awarded as follows: To John Farwell Moors, '83, graduate student, $100 for a dissertation on "Servetus;" to Edward Wheeler Frost, '84, $100 for a dissertation on "The Political Career of Daniel Webster;" to Harry Hubbard, '84, $75 for a dissertation on "The effects of a custom tariff on wages;" and to Lewis Edwards Gates, '84, $75 for a dissertation on "Sir Thomas Brown."


The Harvard Club of New York gave its 18th annual dinner Thursday night at Delmonico's. Among those present were C. C. Beaman, who presided, Brayton Ives, John O. Sargent. Prof. George M. Lane, Charles R. Codman, of Boston, Chauncey M. Depew, Prof. N. S. Shaler, Dis.-Atty. Olney, Amos N. Fiske, Dr. Francis M. Weld, and U. S. Grant, Jr. In his opening address Mr. Beaman stated that the club started in 1865 with 65 members, and it had now 332.
