

The Pi Eta third eight from '85 is as follows: Blinn, E. T. Edgerly, S. L. Foster, Pushaw, Reis, Rolfe, G. B. Shepard, Yocum.

Mr. Justin Winsor, librarian of Harvard College, now occupying Mr. Howell's house in Garden street, Cambridge, is building on Sparks street, says the Gazette.

The following gentlemen were elected associate members of the Bicycle Club last evening: L. E. Sexton, '84, C. S. Hamlin, '83, T. W. Dickenson, '84, M. H. Cushing, '83, and S. E. Winslow, '85.

The book for the Bicycle Club dinner, which will take place next Monday at Young's Hotel, will be placed at Bartlett's this morning; price per plate $2.50 Committee, W. D. Smith, '84, F. S. Billings, '85, and J. C. Ayre, '86.

The question of the crews going out of training as soon as the new athletic regulations are officially announced is being seriously discussed. It does not seem likely that there can be a Yale race, but Harvard will have to forfeit the race since she did not declined to row next June before Christmas. At any rate it does not seem likely that a crew trained exclusively for a four mile race can be got in condition by next June for a three-mile contest.


The lectures on the campaigns of the Civil War under the auspices of the Historical Society, the first of which is to be given this evening in Sever 11, will be nine in number and will be given on successive Tuesday evenings. The subjects and lectures are as follows:

February 19, Gen. G. H. Gordon on the second battle of Bull Run.

February 26, Gen. F. W. Palfrey on Games' Mill and the Peninsular Campaign, March-July, 1862.

March 4, Maj. J. F. Huntington, Chancellorsville.

March 11, Gettysburg.

March 18, Dr. E. Channing, Vicksburg.

March 25, Gen. E. Opdycke, the Chickamauga and Chattanooga Campaign.

April 8, Col. Henry Stone, Franklin and Nashville.

April 15, Sherman's march through Georgia.

April 22, Mr. J. C. Ropes, the Virginia Campaign of 1864.

The books cited in the course will be reserved in alcove 6 in the library.
