

Most of the members of the glee club will sing in the chorus of the last Henschel concert in Boston.

Tonight the faculty will meet and decide upon the final action to be taken on "professionalism."

There was a cut in Fine Arts 3 and in Fine Arts 7 yesterday, owing to the slight illness of Prof. Norton.

We learn from the Argonaut that there are seven students in Sanskrit at the University of Michigan. Columbia has but six.

Mr. Barrett Wendell, instructor in English, has been elected secretary of the Papyrus Club, the well-known literary club of Boston.


There has been put in the Princeton gymnasium a kicking weight, for strengthening the muscles used in punting and dropkicking.

A court martial to investigate the hazing at the Naval Academy has been ordered. It will be proven that there has been constant hazing at the academy.

A freshman wrote home to his father: "Dear papa-I want a little change." The paternal parent replied: "Dear Charlie-Just wait for it. Time brings change to everybody." [Ex.

Prince Albert Victor, whose brief term at Cambridge University has been repeatedly interrupted by visits to his royal relatives, it is said, is voted a dull boy, though a pleasant companion, by his fellow students.

The Princetonian calls for reform in the manner of examinations. Instead of having examinations come on successive days it thinks it better to allow a few days to intervene between the examinations in each study.

The leading article in the Manhattan for March will be on "Dartmouth College," the Alma Mater of Webster and Choate. The article will be profusely illustrated with portraits and from drawings made expressly for it.

The Princetonian is authority for the rumor that two things at least have already been decided on by the Inter-Collegiate Conference Committee: First, the number of championship games to be played by each college will not, as was feared, be restricted. It was thought advisable to leave that to be determined by the students, provided, of course, that the number of games arranged does not require an absence from town longer than that permitted by the athletic regulations. Secondly, the committee were unanimous in their purpose to get rid of the professional element.

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