
Rules for the Mott Haven Team.

Pole vault, 7ft.

The first division will consist of men who have attained certain other records, which can be ascertained from the captain. Thus the whole team will be classed according to records. If any member of the second division shall, during the winter, attain the record required for the first, he will be entitled to enter it Likewise if any one outside the team shall attain the record required for the second division, he will be entitled to enter that division.

2. Every member must be ready for exercise every day except Saturday at the proper time, and must participate in every part of the team drill, or else give proper excuse for not doing so to the gentleman in charge of the division.

3. Every member must agree to train and practice, to the best of his ability, from now until the date of the Spring meeting.

The second division will exercise, hereafter, at 4.10, the first at 4.20.


C. H. ATKINSON, capt.
