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The Yale-Harvard freshman game which was arranged for to-day at New Haven, has been postponed at the request of the Yale team, although no satisfactory reasons have as yet been given for this sudden and uncalled for action on their part. It is rumored that several players who took part in the game last Thursday and are expected to do good work for Yale on the freshman eleven, went out of training rather suddenly Thanksgiving evening, and have not as yet recovered from too much "turkey." Unless Yale can give a satisfactory answer to Harvard for her refusal to play on the scheduled date, we think the freshmen can justly claim a most unfair treatment at the hands of their Yale rivals. However this may be, we hope the game will not eventually be given up. Our freshmen have the right in the matter, and should insist on playing on such dates as will be most convenient to them next week. If the game is not played, the entire blame can be placed on Yale.
