


We invite all members of the University to contribute to our columns, but we do not hold ourselves responsible for any sentiments advanced incommunications. Anonymous contributions will not be accepted.

EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON:- Among the many complaints which are annually made in regard to the mid-year examinations, there is one which is certainly justifiable. If we must have a police force of proctors to spy upon us during examinations to see that we don't cheat, converse, or otherwise misbehave ourselves, why cannot we have detectives endowed with a little delicacy of feeling? At an examination yesterday, the man in front of me finished his paper about three-quarters of an hour before the time was up. Immediately a proctor strolled along, his boots creaking like the doors in Sever, took up the blue-book, seated himself on the desk, and proceeded to read. Of course his superior knowledge found flaws in the book. And he gave vent to his feelings by a series of loud snorts and chuckles, which, under ordinary circumstances, would have been exasperating, but at the time it was simply maddening. I cannot see what business he had to look into the book in the first place; in the second place he should have learnt by this time that mere politeness required gentlemen to control their merriment-when loss of control is out of place and ungentlemanly. I have heard so many complaints on this subject that, a sufferer myself, I thought I would call your attention to it. '89.
