
Fact and Rumor.

Mr. Blaine watched the Harvard men with great interest, and stood with head uncovered while they passed before him.-[Ex.

The number of ladies in the audience on Saturday, was the largest which has attended any foot ball game in Cambridge this fall.

The Technology sophomores have alalready had one theatre party, and another is talked of ; 25 men attended the first one.

The new Tufts gymnasium has been completed, but the fee for admission to its benefits is such that it is well nigh deserted by the students.-[Ex.

Efforts will be made to secure reduced rates to New Haven next Saturday, if enough men can be found who wish to accompany the 'Varsity eleven.


The Rugby game with Harvard on Monday showed great improvement in our eleven. They have certainly used to advantage the points gained in the game with Yale.-[Dartmouth.

Richards and Peters of the Yale eleven were present at the Princeton game taking full notes on the style of play of both elevens. This will give Yale a great advantage in their championship games.

The Ontario cup in Canada is to be contested for this year by the Toronto, Toronto University, Humilton, London, Peterboro, Strathroy, Kingston Queens, Kingston and Ottawa.

A fair showing of Technology students were interested spectators at the Princeton game. Indeed, every college within easy travelling distance was represented on the field.

The Princeton men made up for their lack of numbers by the enthusiasm they showed, cheering the many brilliant plays of their team, and waving their orange and black flags valiantly in the faces of Harvard's supporters.

Prof. Royce will be in the closed alcove No. 25, in the Library, in the following hours to give advice or answequestions concerning forensics : Monday, 2.30 to 3.30 ; Wednesday, 10.30 to 11.30 ; and 2, 30 to 3.30 ; Friday, 2.30 to 3.30.

The Amherst students are exasperated over the ruling just made by the post office department at Washington, and the instruction of the postmaster here, that, after this quarter, no two students, unless brothers, will be allowed to use the same post office box, on the ground that they are not a "family, firm or coporation."
