

C. J. Rueter, '84, J. H. B. Easton, 83, E. F. Woods, '85, and E. G. K. Noyes, '85, have put their names down as candidates for the American lacrosse team proposed to be sent to England next summer.

The number of undergraduates in Tufts is as follows: fifteen seniors, sixteen juniors, sixteen sophomores, and seventeen freshmen. Besides there are six candidates for the degree of master of arts and one special student.

The annual championship meeting will be held under the auspices of the N. Y. A. C. Saturday March 1, 1884. Entrance fee, $1. for each event. Entries close Feb. 19. The secretary's address is P. O. Box 3, 101, New York City.

James Russell Lowell, Minister to the Court of St. James, has voluntarily resigned the position of Lord Rector of St. Andrews' University. Mr. Lowell has taken this step in the hopes of stopping all further talk as to his eligibility and of freeing the government from any trouble on the subject.

Prof. Charles Eliot Norton and W. D. Howells make a joint appeal in behalf of the Armenian monastery of San Lazzaro at Venice, burned to the ground last summer. It was devoted exclusively to the education of young Armenians and the spread of Armenian literature.


A new periodical presents itself in Boston as a candidate for public favor. It is a fortnightly publication, named "Every Other Saturday," and is designed to be a journal of select reading, new and old. The publishers are the every Other Saturday Publishing Company, and the direction of the paper is in the hands of Mr. Horace P. Chandler.

The Washington Harvard Club has perfected an organization by the election of the following officers: President, George Bancroft; vice-presidents, John A. King, Henry Adams, Jesse Brown, C. W. McDonaid, A. A. Hayes; secretary, George B. Loring; treasurer Andrew H. Alden. The club will give its first annual dinner on the second Wednesday in February.
