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Electric lights. Yes, electric lights. Many causes have been assigned why the reading room of the library should not be lighted after sunset and among them that most strongly urged is the one of danger by fire. Next to that is the added expense entailed for maintaining this department by such an improvement. The collection of books in the alcoves and on the shelves of Gore Hall is indeed very valuable and it would be a lasting shame to have it destroyed or even to run any risk of destruction. There is no question that gas is slightly dangerous when used by students in such an inflammable tinderbox as the main hall of Gore. But the electric light would give no cause of alarm on this head and would be much better than gas in every way. It would give a better light, less heat, no smell and no care. The Edison system of incandescent lights with the pretty and inexpensive electro-liers such as are in use in the Bijou Theatre would be just what is needed. The electricity needed could be furnished by the dynamo-electric machine in Boylston Hall which is under the charge of the assistants .This would necessitate only a short line of wires from one building to the others. To defray the expenses, which would be slight after the plant was put in, the college could certainly find the means. For supplying the plant either a popular subscription might be raised or some one of the friends of education be appealed to for funds. Many men would be willing to stand their share if the first method were to be adopted, for it would enable them at such crowded times as the present to get a better chance at the books on the reference shelves, to suit their own convenience better in their use of the library, and to have a well lighted room for general reading and study. Let the authorities only take the matter in hand and the students will aid them to the best of their ability.
