

The captains of the various class crews will meet Friday evening to arrange the details of the race Saturday.

Italian 2 will finish "La Gerusalemme Liberata" before the close of the term, but will not take up anything else.

Bachelder, '83, will probably take McArthur's place on the tug-of-war team in case the team goes to New York.

There will be one and possibly two extra lectures in Freshman Chemistry in review of the latter part of the course.

The tickets for the reserved seats at the next Harvard-Yale game will be on sale at Bartlett's this morning. Price, 25 cents.


Copies of the HERALD supplement containing the account of the plans for the new law school building can be obtained at Drury's.

Latia 8 commence the tenth satire of Juvenal at the next recitation. The edition used is by Hermann in the Teubner library.

The meeting of the song book committee, which was to be held last evening, has been postponed until Wednesday, May 17th.

French 2 have completed the "Andromaque" and will now begin "Athalie." Members have been requested to read "Phedre" outside.

We learn that Oscar Wilde has been getting off "the Greek statue in your gymnasium" grind away out West at the University of Nebraska.

The second lacrosse team will play at Andover today at 4.30. The members are requested to be ready to take the 2.55 East Cambridge car. The train leaves Boston at 3.30. The following are the names of the team and the positions they will occupy for the present : Ritter, goal; Goodale, point; Walsh, cover-point; Abbott and Roundy, defense; Forster, homefield; Williams, centre; Lennox and Root, forward field; Peirson and Wood, play home.

Wendell has begun light training again, and it is thought that he may be able to enter for the inter-collegiate games after all, since his second hurt has proved to be very slight.

Professor White lectures today to the section in Greek 7 on tle "Early Constitutions of Athens." He advises the members of the section to read the eleventh chapter of Grote and the chapter in Curtius on the history of Attica.

Mr. Bartlett wishes the students to understand that he cannot post up ball game scores unless they stop crowding the walk in front of his store, as complaint has been made. Scores are posted as soon as received; if not in view there is no news.

FURNITURE. Chamber, Parlor, Library, Dining Room and Hall furniture, from an immense stock, is sold direct from the manufactory, at PAINE'S, 48 Canal and 141 Friend streets, opposite Boston & Maine depot, Boston.
