

THE first seven of the Signet from '83 are, Grandgent, Hodges, Lane, Lloyd, Machado, Woodbury, Worcester.

THE class of '78, Andover, had a most enjoyable dinner at Young's, Wednesday last. Mr. B. M. Firman, '82, officiated as toast-master.

IT is rumored that the Record has offered Smintheus a position on its editorial board, in the vain hope of making that paper readable.

THE current number of the Yale Lit. is the best issue we have yet seen, and it deserves the attention of those who frequent our Reading-Room.

IN order to prevent its perusal during prayer time, the St. Paul's Society has forbidden the delivery of the Echo at Memorial before 14 minutes of 8.


MR. G. E. WARING, '82, has resigned his position on the Crimson, on account of other duties. Mr. F. E. Fuller, '82, has been elected president of the editorial board.

IT is proposed to organize a Lacrosse Club at Columbia. There has been a meeting of those interested, and an executive committee appointed until a constitution shall be drawn up and regular officers elected.

THE Everett Athenaeum theatricals for the benefit of the Crew come off in Lyceum Hall next Wednesday evening, and it is hoped that there may be a large attendance. The price of tickets is $1.00.

A MARKED man in our University : any fellow that gets an average of ninety-five.

THE Yale News made the score in our Bowdoin game 8 to 5 instead of 18 to 5.

THERE will probably be an hour examination in Philosophy 6 next Friday.

THE Cambridge Fire Department was on hand Wednesday as usual - after the fire.

THE Cornell Sun takes occasion, in its issue of May 3. to criticise us for the strong opposition which has been made by us to the New London course.

THE belligerent Courant copies poetry from the Advocate, now that it no longer exchanges with the Acta. "Grand old Yale!"

HARVARD is the Fifth Avenue of American colleges, Yale the Broadway. - Ex. And Vassar the Maiden Lane. - Miscellany. And Princeton the Rotten Row. - Acta.
