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THE Crew last week decided to accept the challenge from Columbia, provided the race be rowed on the 26th of this month; and to this Columbia has agreed. Accordingly, the race will be rowed at Springfield, three days before the race with Yale. We said, in our ast issue that we hoped it would be possible to accept this challenge; and we are heartily glad that it has been done. Columbia, much disappointed at Cornell's backing-out, is anxious for a race, and seems willing to place herself at some disadvantage in order to get one. Her situation this year is a peculiar one, and she had thus some reason to expect from Harvard that courtesy which has now been shown in accepting her challenge. She should remember, however, that only this year is she thus situated, and that only for this year is her challenge accepted. Harvard cannot be expected to row two races every year; and the wisdom of excluding all other colleges from the race with Yale has been too well shown to be questioned; and from the interest in that race all other races, such as this one with Columbia, will seriously detract. Too much caution cannot be taken to keep the Yale race distinct from all others, and to avoid everything which will lessen its importance. Therefore, while we are glad that Columbia and Harvard are to meet on the water again this year, we must say we hope it will be for the last time, whatever the result; and we would earnestly deprecate anything which shall hereafter encroach upon what we all regard as the great race.
