

THE Pudding Theatricals in aid of the Boat Club will take place in Boston, Friday evening and Saturday afternoon, on either April 27 and 28 or May 4 and 5, and at either Horticultural or Union Halls. The precise time and place will be announced later. Tickets may be procured the first of next week, at 4 H'y. The play will be the burlesque, "Fair Rosamond." It will be remembered that, by a vote of the Faculty, these are the last theatricals in aid of the Boat Club which can be given by undergraduates. This is, accordingly, the last opportunity for students and their friends to witness what has always been one of the most enjoyable features of the College course.

Questioning.SEE'ST thou not, my darling,

Low down in the crimson west,

You fleecy flake of feathery cloud


That drifts with the wind to rest?

See'st thou not, my darling,

Its bosom of purest snow,

That flushes still and blushes with

The kiss of the sunset's glow?

Know'st thou not, my darling,

My life is the cloud above,

Whose happy bue is owing to

The light of thy spirit's love.

E. B.Notices to Seniors.ALL Seniors who have not obtained sittings for their class photographs are requested to do so at once either by calling at 19 T., 26 Hollis, or 39 M., or by speaking to one of the Class Committee. In order that the pictures may be ready by the end of the College year, it is necessary that all negatives should be approved on or before the 14th of April.

Class Committee.THE Class Secretary requests the Seniors who have received blanks to write their lives as soon as possible and forward the blanks to the next man. If they cannot forward them conveniently he would like them to be returned to No. 7 Holworthy. The circulars need not be forwarded with the blanks. The lives when finished are to be handed in at No. 7 Holworthy.

The Harvard University Boat-Club offers for sale five SIX-OAR SHELLS and three SINGLE SHELLS. Can be seen at the boat-house. Apply to H. G. DANFORTH,

2 Weld Hall.
