

April 30 2.05 P. M.

May 1 2.50 P. M.

May 2 3.35 P. M.

May 3 4.20 P. M.

May 4 5.20 P. M.


PROFESSOR JOHN MCCRADY has handed in his resignation as professor of zoology, in consequence of the conviction that there is an irreconcilable difference of opinion between the University authorities and himself as to the scientific standard to be maintained in the study of zoology, and because he is conscientiously unable to adopt a more popular standard than that which he has hitherto maintained. - New York Evening Post.

THE foot-ball interest this spring is centred in the game with Princeton, to be played on Jarvis Field, at 3 P.M., Saturday, April 28. Tickets for the game may be obtained at 2 Beck Hall or 48 Matthews, and at Whiton's. The team has not yet been definitely selected. The captain especially desires all who have played on the fifteen to improve every opportunity for practice. Practice together has been the chief cause of former successes, and is now more needed than anything else. Mr. Barlow, '79, has been elected treasurer in place of Mr. Russell, resigned.

IT is proposed to raise among the pupils and friends of the late Rev. Dr. James Walker, President of Harvard University, the sum of from five thousand to ten thousand dollars to endow a scholarship in that University, and to provide a suitable memorial of him in Memorial Hall. Considerable subscriptions have already been made to the fund. Mr. John A. Lowell, of Boston, heads the committee, and has such associates as Charles W. Eliot, Phillips Brooks, Francis E. Parker, and Henry W. Foote. The New York members of the committee are Samuel Osgood, Joseph H. Choate, and James C. Custer.
