

THE Index is now ready. The advertisements have been banished to the end of the volume, and the general list of the students has been given the last, instead of the first place.

AN examination to anticipate Junior and Sophomore Rhetoric will take place on Saturday, January 13, at 11 A. M. Text-books: Whately's Rhetoric, Parts I. and II.; Lessing's Laocoon.

EXAMINATIONS for making up conditions will be held in U. E. R. as follows: Modern and Physical Geography on January 12, at 4 1/2 P. M.; French on January 13, at 11 A. M.; Physical Science at 12 M. on January 13.

LEBARON, the policeman who has distinguished himself on several occasions by brutal and unjustifiable attacks on students, has been dropped from the Cambridge Police Department, to the great satisfaction of all respectable persons.

THE theatricals in aid of the H. U. B. C., which were to have been given in town, this week, by graduates, have been postponed; but the performance will probably take place immediately after the semiannuals, that is, about the first of March.


EVENING READINGS. - Professor Norton will resume his Readings of Dante, on Tuesdays. Mr. Cook will read Goethe's "Faust" and Reinecke Fuch's, beginning Thursday, January 11. The Readings are held in Harvard Hall, from 7 1/2 to 9 P. M.

THE state of the walks in the Yard suggests the idea that the persons who have charge of them mean to answer in the affirmative the poet who asks:

"Has earth a clod

Its Maker meant not should be trod

By man, the image of his God,

Erect and free?"

THERE is a rumor current, that, on his entrance upon office, the new steward of Memorial Hall requested of his predecessor a copy of the bill-of-fare by which, during the late regime, the table had been regulated; a request which the latter refused to comply with, unwilling to give over into the hands of a rival a work which he had been more than two years in perfecting. The students fully support Mr. Farmer in this decision.

DR. DERBY, who is to examine the eyes of the Freshmen for the purpose of comparing their present state with their condition four years from now, will resume his work next Monday. He will meet members of the class in 4 Lawrence Hall, at the following hours:-

Gillette to Hanscom, January 15, 10 - 11 A. M.
