
No Headline

LET the wicked tremble, and the sinful man beware of the Lampoon.

FOR the general convenience we have arranged the following directory of the present residences of the former occupants of Hollis:-


C. H. Barrows, Dolton's 11. E. B. Lefavour, W. 53.

J. K. Berry, T. 4. W. H. Moody, II'ke 19.


W. M. Bradley, W. 23. C. T. Peckham, S. 28.

J. E. Cleaves, 26 Brattle Sq. G. S. Pine, Epis. Theol. Sch.

H. T. Finck, M. 20. L. H. Smith, 12 Story St.

R. H. Gardiner, L. B. 9. C. E. Ware, L B. 9.

W. H. Gore, S. 5. T. C. Williams, T. 4.

F. H. Kidder, 26 Brattle Sq.


S. W. Clary, 10 Oxford St. A. H. Jayne, Prof. Palmer's.

J. Colan, Zool. Hall. F. T. Rusk, C. 69.

J. W. Gilman, 11 Shepard St. G. Ryder, C. 41.
