

MR. G. H. BRADFORD, '76, who was elected Assistant Treasurer of the H. U. B. C., on Monday last, has resigned, and Mr. Truman Heminway, '77, has been appointed to the position by the executive committee.

THE Second Ten of the Athenaeum are as follows: W. K. Blodgett, G. H. Brown, E. T. Chamberlain, L. B. Dean, I. Elting, J. R. Holmes, E. W. Morse, G. M. Pinney, G. S. Raymer, H. A. Wood.

THE fall races of the different boat-clubs will take place over the Charles River course on Saturday, the 30th inst., at eleven o'clock A. M., and the fall meeting of the Athletic Association will occur on Jarvis Field at three P. M. on the same day.

THE Mathews Six, as composed at present, consists of Wetmore, '75 (st.); Perkins, L. S. S., 2; Hastings, '76, 3; Bancroft, '78, 4; Preston, '79, 5; Weld, '76 (bow). Changes in this crew, and, in fact, in all the crews, are quite probable before the time of the race.

ALL who are interested in the Harvard Rifle Corps are requested to attend a meeting to be held on Wednesday next at 6.30 P. M. Amendments will be discussed, and measures will be taken, if possible, to organize and to decide upon future action.


UNDERGRADUATES who desire to become members of the French Club can send their names to H'y 19. This club is not confined to the upper classes, and offers peculiar advantages to men acquainted with and fond of French. Freshmen are urged especially to hand their names in as soon as possible.

ON Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock the University Foot-Ball Eleven will play a match game with Tufts College Eleven on the grounds of Tufts. A number of undergraduates intend to walk up to see the game, and any one who wishes to join them is invited to be in front of Holworthy soon after two on Saturday.

THE officers of the Everett Athenaeum for this term are as follows: President, J. A. Tufts; Vice-President, W. A. Bancroft; Secretary, S. B. Woods; Treasurer, J. R. Holmes; Standing Committee, C. Moore, B. N. Johnson, E. B. Hunt; Board of Editors, C. H. Vinton, G. S. Raymer, E.W. Morse.

THE Freshman Class held a meeting on Tuesday last at which Mr. Putnam acted as Chairman and Mr. Howard as Secretary. The class elected the following officers:-

President of the Class, E. B. Putnam; Secretary, E. Hale. Captain of the Crew, J. W. Welles; Secretary, G. R. Sheldon.

Captain of the Nine, C. P. Nunn; Secretary, G. Swift.

Captain of the Foot-Ball Eleven, P. Grant; Secretary, L. Cushing.

THE Holyoke Boat Club held a meeting on Tuesday last, and the following officers were elected: W. J. Otis, L. S. S., President; W. C. Riggs, '76, Captain; W. S. Otis, '78, Secretary and Treasurer. All persons who wish to join the club must send their names to the Secretary, No. 25 Holyoke Street, before the fall boating-season closes, in order that sufficient boats may be ready in the spring. Those who join this club, or any of the clubs now, will have the use of the boats for the next month, but those who put off joining until the spring will find that no places have been reserved for them, and they will be troubled by the lack of sufficient boats.

AT a meeting of the Sophomore Class held in Holden Chapel, Thursday, October 7, 1875, Mr. Tufts presided, and the following officers were chosen: Mr. Theodore F. Stimpson, Secretary and Treasurer; Mr. B. F. Harding, Captain and Secretary of the Nine; Mr. Lombard, Captain of the Eleven; Mr. Slade, Secretary of the Eleven. It was voted to discontinue the Class Crew, owing to the existence of the Club crews. It was also voted that the Class Treasurer should be authorized to collect subscriptions for last year's Crew and Nine.

T. F. STIMPSON, Sec'y and Treasurer.THE GLEE CLUB have elected the following associate members: H. Amory, D. C. Bacon, G. H. Bradford, E. T. Hastings, H. P. Jacques, W. F. Kip, S. D. Kittredge, W. Mason, F. Minot, W. C. Riggs, S. Sherwood, E. Stetson, from the Senior Class, and F. T. Brown, M. Bull, N. W. Curtis, A. B. Denny, E. H. Herrick, E. S. Martin, R. S. Sauzade, A. M. Sherwood, W. N. Swift, A. C. Tower, from the Junior Class.
