

It was naughty, darling, I know you 'II say; but, Nell, if you ever go

To a boarding-school - But never mind, perhaps some day you 'll know.

We feasted and trained till after ten, and then hid the box away,

So Madame's prying eyes would n't get any signs the following day;

But they did, we don't know how, dear, but Marion, Cora, and I


Were called into Madame's parlor, next morning, - I thought I should die!

Such an awful scolding you never heard; poor Madame talked herself hoarse,

And Marion, Cora, and I took it all very meekly, - a matter of course.

But we can't go to walk or drive, you know, for two or three weeks or more,

We're under a monitor now, and O dear, it's a terrible bore!

But now, my darling, I leave you, I really must did you adieu;

Do write me a splendid letter, and tell me whatever is new;

Remember me lovingly, please, to all, - especially Charles, you know,

While with heaps and heaps of kisses and love I remain your affectionate Flo.

P. S. I nearly forgot to say, if you get your trimmings blue

Instead of gray, and there's any left, send me a sample, - do!

P. S. again. By the way, darling, never mind that message for Joe,

And be sure you remember the ribbon. Adieu, - pleasant dreams, - ever, Flo.


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