

Rajesh Yerasi

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Is Gay Ban Really Wrong?

The staff may be right in its opposition to the ban on gays in the military. They may be wrong.

Military Should Leave the Balkans While It Can

The bumblings of the Clinton foreign-policy team make one yearn for the days when President Bush dismissed the Bosnian conflict

Still A European Problem

Principle drafted in a vacuum are of little value, The lofty concept of rejecting "aggression and ethnic cleansing" sounds very

Obsessing With Equality

The staff has fallen prey to a common contagion of this day: an obsession with equality and with it, the

Out to Pasture

Race relations do indeed present an insurmountable problem. Difficulties will surface as long as eggheads exist (which is basically forever).

Loss of American Lives Not Worth the Battle

There is a reason the Balkans are called the Balkans. It is an historically troubled area that admits of no
