

Zoe Argento

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An Unconventional Physicist

After creaking in on crutches to her office in the High Energy Physics Lab, the only female tenured Harvard professor

Interviews: Pre-Med Drama

On campus these days, neatly groomed seniors dressed in dark suits can be seen rushing to recruiting interviews at top

Portrait Of a Virus

The virus responsible for last month's vomiting epidemic on campus is a well-known mystery. While no one is sure exactly

Second Illness Survey Taken

In cooperation with the federal Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Freshman Dean's Office (FDO) yesterday continued to survey victims

Epidemic Test Results Delayed, Out Tomorrow

The preliminary test results to explain the mysterious epidemic that caused violent vomiting in more than 225 Harvard students last

Union to Resume Cooking

First, President Neil L. Rudenstine announced he wasn't feeling well, and would have to take a break. Then, on Tuesday

Binge Drinking Common on Campus

A study released Monday by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health warns that binge drinking by college students

Students Celebrate Kwanzaa

More than 70 students yesterday observed the first undergraduate Kwanzaa, an African-American celebration of ethnic unity, with singing, speeches, food,

Houses Gear Up for Formal Marathon

With the short winter formal season only 22 days away, it's time to get the tuxedo cleaned. And cleaned. And

Analyzing the Effects of the Human Genome Project

Huddled in classrooms at MIT, about 200 students and professionals from across the nation engaged this weekend in a giant

Asians in Medicine Discuss Stereotypes

Asian-Americans in medicine broke a traditional silence on issues specific to the Asian community last Saturday and discussed discrimination, stereotypes

Students Challenge Speaker's Views

While undergraduates at Harvard may feel less inclined to preach a feminist party line than did Katie A. Roiphe '90,

Cancer, Dye Not Linked

Contradicting longstanding research, Harvard scientists have determined that hair dye does not cause cancer. Scientists at the Medical School and

Rebirth of the PLAGUE

For the last week and a half, the same plague which cut Northern Europe's population to nearly a half in

Community BRIEFS

In its first meeting of the year, the North House Committee last night voted to work toward a joint winter
