

Romina Garber

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Jailed KSG Grad Gets Aid From Congress

Thirty-six members of the House of Representatives wrote a letter to President George W. Bush Thursday, urging him to advocate

Former Council President Lee Sees Legacy Fading

Last spring, former Undergraduate Council President Paul A. Gusmorino ’02 maintained a strong presence on the council even after he

Wife of Jailed Activist Keeps Hope

Christina X. Fu takes out two Ziploc bags full of pictures of a man and two young children mugging for

Salient Elects Two Women to Top Posts

Two women were elected to top leadership roles on the Harvard Salient, the University’s conservative bi-monthly publication. Claire V. McCusker

Lowell Marine Called To Serve

Last week, Ruben Marinelarena ’02-’03 was a government concentrator five months away from graduation, with plans to work on a

Phi Beta Kappa Elects 48 Seniors to Society

In the second of three selection rounds, 48 members of the Class of 2003 were tapped to be inducted to

Thumbing Noses at Keg Ban, Students Still Plan To Party

The alcohol at this year’s Harvard-Yale game will flow as freely as ever, even though the College administration has banned

Students Travel to Penn for Rematch

Tonight at 2 a.m., when the last Cambridge bars close down and most students are left to wander back to

Harvard's Experts Favor O'Brien

As the Massachusetts gubernatorial campaign moves into its final hours, Harvard experts say the race between Democrat Shannon P. O’Brien

Students Head West For World Series Fun

Breanne Cooley ’04 might not be studying for midterms this semester. Instead, she’s waiting to see whether her team needs

Hospital Settles Medicare Dispute

A Harvard-affiliated hospital is one of seven nationwide that recently settled a U.S. Justice Department suit accusing the hospitals of

Students, Policy Experts Dispute Bush

Following President Bush’s speech Monday night advocating war with Iraq, many Harvard undergraduates and policy experts at the Kennedy School

Dining Services Plan Greenhouse Facelift

Abby M. Garcia '03 would like to buy frozen yogurt along with her slice of Greenhouse pizza. She and fellow

Report Says Harvard Education Third in Value

Harvard is the third best deal for students looking to get the most for their money in a college, according
