

James G. Trager jr.

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The Service News: Exodus of '43

After the Great Exodus of the spring of 43 (when the future was viewed in terms of khaki and navy

Undergraduate Activities Look to Return Of Veterans for Peacetime Renaissance

Speaking to a group of students representing all the undergraduate organizations a few weeks ago, Dean Buck said, "Gentlemen, I


Despite what H. I. Phillips said in his New York Sun column Saturday, New Haven was just as chaotic and

Council Reports of '31, '39, '40, and '42 Gave "Student Opinion" On Education

Robert Benchley '12, when he was an undergraduate, found the following question on an hour exam in a Gov course:

Harvard Trains Officers for Military Occupation in East

Little has appeared in these columns about Harvard's Civil Affairs Training officers, formal name for the uniformed brass hats who

Ferguson, Noted Historian, To Retire at Close of Term

Recent news of the retirement of William Scott Ferguson, McLean Professor of Ancient and Modern History, has attracted more attention
