

Spencer Klaw

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Harvard's teaching tenure policy is as complicated as an income tax return and almost as incomprehensible as Professor Sorokin's accent.

War Talk Dominates Harvard During 1939-40 as Faculty and Students Split Over U. S. Role

American colleges, Harvard not excepted are typically pictured as being sheltered Emug and ingrown. But last year the war penetrated

Unbeaten Harriers Share Ivy League Victory With Cornell

Although they failed to register an unconditional triumph, Harvard's unbeaten harriers met the Ivy League's best in Van Courtlandt Park


When Harvard's Varsity harriers string out along the starting line of New York's five-mile Van Courtland Park course this morning

Vander Eb Goes to End Post as Gridders Scrimmage for Full Hour in Light Drizzle

To bolster up a shaky end squad that is now his number one problem, Dick Harlow yesterday shunted Sophomore Hank

Big Red Cindermen Nose Out Crimson in Heptagonal

Whether it was black cats, walking under ladders, or a shattered mirror that jinxed the Crimson track forces at New

Stunning Win Over Elis Gives Trackmen 14 Places on Oxford-Cambridge Squad

OXFORD-CAMBRIDGE 100-yard dash--Charles C. Smith '41; Robert W. M. P. Gammons '39. 220-yard dash--Torbert H. Macdonald '40; James Rothschild (Y).

Harvard, Dartmouth Clash on Track

In what promises to be one of the most closely contested of the 21-meet series, Harvard and Dartmouth track teams

Track Team Tackles Purple, Huskies; Nine trims Tiger 13-2 in Fourth Win

Potentially stranger than his 1936 powerhouse, Jaakko Mikkola's 1939 track team opens its outdoor season against Holy Cross and Northeastern

Adverse Weather Hampers Runners; Yale Meet Nears

Already the Yale meet, only a month away, is looming large on the horizon for Jaakko Mikkola's and Bill Neufeld's

Freshmen Face Hard Problems In Getting Taken into Houses

In an attempt to enable Freshmen to face more intelligence the problem involved in gaining admission to a House, the

Tax-Exemption Controversy Revived By City Council; Negotiations Seen

When the Cambridge City Council met Tuesday night to hear Councillor John J. Toomey attack Harvard and Radcliffe as a

Yale Men Best Gowned, States Dorothy Lord, Famous Stylist

Naming Yale as "the best dressed girls' college in the country," but claiming that shoulderstrapless evening dresses were not designed
