

Tim M. Martin

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W. Swimming Dives Head-First Into Season

The Crimson swimmers and divers were on their feet, screaming as loudly as their hoarse throats would allow, and a

Separate Spheres

Jamaica Kincaid called me a "master swimmer" during a dinner gathering last week, which threw me for quite a loop.

W. Swimming Sweeps Weekend

The Keystone State threw the best it had at the women's swimming and diving team this weekend, but Harvard (7-0,

W. Swimming Stops Brown, Improves to Perfect 4-0

Harvard women's swimming and diving: underdogs no more. Going into this weekend it had been four years since Harvard (4-0,

W. Swimming Opens With Routs of Dartmouth, Cornell

It's been said many times and many ways after a successful season opener, but it has to be said again

My Favorite Martin (No I in Team)

My coach recently asked me what makes a team successful. A team can be a funny thing: a little social

Pool Party: Swimming Speeds On

Finishing the season within striking distance of an Ivy title, this year's women's swimming and diving team proved to be

Pool Party: Swimming Speeds On

Finishing the season within striking distance of an Ivy title, this year's women's swimming and diving team proved to be

My Favorite Martin

If I want to smoke marijuana, there are only a few human forces that will successfully deter me. The International

W. Swimming Expects To Challenge For Ivy Silver

After months of preparation, it's time for final exams even though it's only late February. This weekend the women's swimming

Smokin' on the Water: Both Swimming Teams Roll On

The Harvard women's swimming and diving team (7-3, 5-2 Ivy) finished off its dual meet season with somewhat of a

W. Swimming Goes 3-1 in Ivy Meets

With its first ever Harvard-Yale-Princeton tri-meet followed by a match-up against Penn, this was the mother of all dual-meet weekends

Tired W. Swimmers Fall Short at Pitt

After weeks of intense training and sunshine, the women's swimming and diving team braved Saturday's snow storm to race against

W. Swimming Ready To Get Season Started

If there is only one truly optimistic group of athletes at Harvard, it has to be the women's swimming and

W. Swimming Finishes Third at Easterns

Record: 8-2, 5-2 Ivy Coach: Stephanie Wriede '91, Keith Miller (diving) Highlights: Placed third at Ivy Championships Seniors: Keiko Iwahara,
