

David S. Goodman

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Conant: Absentee President

In 1945, James B. Conant '13 was president of Harvard University. Rather than focusing on faculty meetings or office

Humor Magazine Will Make Its Grand Debut

The debut issue of Demon magazine is being dropped to all undergraduate rooms today. Demon is a new humor magazine

West, Lerner Talk About Blacks, Jews

Professor Cornell West '74-'73 and Michael Lerner discussed the relationship of Jews and Blacks before and animated crowd of approximately

Science's Objectivity Under Scrutiny

Science is frequently portrayed as an objective discipline whose findings are indisputable. Yet increasingly, members of the scientific, political and


The big sign to the left of the entrance to one of the most important scientific labs in the world

Focus on Primary Care Detrimental

A Harvard study released Thursday suggests that the increasing national focus on primary health care may be disastrous for patients

GOP Club May Strike 'Radcliffe' From Name

Next Monday, the Harvard-Radcliffe Republican club is expected to remove "Radcliffe" from its official title. The proposed amendment to the

Hillel Holds Vigil to Mourn 22 Dead In Tel Aviv Bombing

Harvard Hillel members conducted a vigil yesterday on the steps of Widener Library to mourn the victims of Wednesday's terrorist

Essex Criticizes AIDS Drug Research

The chair of the Harvard AIDS Institute attacked the direction of current AIDS research in a recent article, charging that

Biogen Patents New M.S. Treatment

A drug patented by a Cambridge technology company dramatically lessens the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, a recently-released study shows. Dr.

B-School Students Volunteer

Harvard Business School (HBS) students took a break from case studies this past Saturday to help out with some real-life
