

John J. Murphy

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Giving for a Voice

A lot of people have asked me how I feel about graduating. "Great!" I reply, and leave it at that.

A Chicago-Style Contest

T HERE are a number of reasons why Alderman Tim Evans didn't win last week's mayoral election in Chicago. The

Money the New-Fashioned Way

T HE anatomy of the recent leveraged buyout of RJR Nabisco by the firm of Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts--helped out by

How Blind Is Justice?

A letter in my mailbox last spring from the Cambridge District Court told me that I had been selected for

Blue Smoke and Mirrors

H ARVARD, thanks once again to its vast stock holdings, is getting a chance to put itself at the vanguard

Growing Up Black and Poor in Chicago

A LTHOUGH I am white and middle-class, I grew up not far from the all-Black Robert Taylor Homes in Chicago,

Bush: Gimme Shelters

Y OU can tell when it's autumn because the wind starts to get a little bit colder, and there's a

Is The World Courting Disaster?

L AST year a TV station in Washington D.C. ran a special report on their news show entitled "Is God

Secret of Our Success

A MERICAN society has an obsession with "things," and the more expensive they are, the better. In the 1980 s

Stop Nixon Revisionism

R ICHARD Nixon has appeared everywhere the past few days. The April 10 issue of The New York Times sported

The Right Move on Rights

T WENTY years ago the Kerner Commission predicted that our country would soon be stratified into two "separate and unequal"

Mr. President, a-la Megabucks

F LORENZO DiDonato campaigns every time an election rolls around. It doesn't seem to matter to him which office he's

A Freudian Interpretation of Harvard Life

F REUD coined a now-popular term, "anal-retentiveness," that means more and more to me while I'm at Harvard. I'm not

Brain Strains and Automobiles

W HEN you travel anywhere in the world and say you're from Chicago, people will hold their arms pretending to

The FBI's Old Tricks, Again

I T is said that Hunter S. Thompson held a celebration the night J. Edgar Hoover died in the early
