

Ozan Tarman

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Yeltsin's Brand of Power Politics

A fter a successful campaign to defeat another country, a Roman emperor would force the king he had humiliated to

Don't Pressure Japan

T hough Bill Clinton has, as yet, no settled policy on trade, the signs are that he wants to enforce

Fatal Inaction

H ow far will President Clinton bend his knee to the murderous thugs who lead Serbian aggression in Bosnia? How

Singing and Dancing Newsboys

Just when you thought that the cartoon characters were the only ones left who were allowed to burst into song,

Selling Gorby Short

P OLITICAL ANALYSTS in the last two months have been busy writing Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev's obituary. They speak

The Ball Is in Shamir's Court

W HAT A DIFFERENCE a war can make. Before the allied bombing of Iraq began, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir
