

Daniel I. Silverberg

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Generational Nix

H arvard students toil on a divided campus, but they are also part of a generation that is balkanized socially,

VP Is Just Another Alumnus

Were it not for his entourage of aides and Secret Service Agents, Vice President Al Gore '69 might have been

Bean-Bayog Speaks Out

Former Harvard Medical School (HMS)professor and psychiatrist Margaret H. Bean-Bayog '65 is fighting back three years after her career was

Evening With Champs Investigation Still Open.

The district attorney's investigation into last year's Evening With Champions scandal will probably continue for another four to six weeks,

Co-Ed Rooming Groups Fear End

Residents in two co-ed rooming groups in Adams House, who will meet with house officials next week for undisclosed reasons,

Harvard Student Is Sassiest

Rhodes Scholars aren't the only Harvard students to become celebrities this week. Tomorrow, in newsstands nation-wide, Malikah J. Sherman '96

Blood Drive at Boylston

Blood and Gore have once again returned to Harvard. On the day Vice President Al Gore '69 visited the Kennedy

Speaker Says Israel Requires PLO Help

Israel will not withdraw from Jericho by Dec. 13 unless Palestinian violence in the occupied territories is quelled, the Consulate

Museums to Raise Admission Fees

Enjoying Harvard's art collections will soon be a bit more expensive--unless you're enrolled with the Registrar. Beginning January 8, University

With Students' Help, Homeless Get Turkey

With help from Harvard students and the greater Cambridge community, homeless Cantabrigians will not be left cold and hungry this

Gebbi Urges Openness On Issues of Sex, AIDS

Americans need to be more open about addressing issues of sex and AIDS, National AIDS Policy Coordinator Christine Gebbi told

Bomb Scare In Yard

Part of the Yard remained closed to traffic for an hour yesterday as police and fire officials investigated a suspicious

Overcrowded Rooms Test Student Agility

Montana Miller '96 never thought her experience as an acrobat in a French circus would be handy in navigating around
