

Geoffrey L. Thomas

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Wanted: A War Slogan

Every war needs a slogan--to rally the masses and pluck at their purse `strings. Something easy and original like "Remember

VIETNAM: Between Two Truces

The Vietnamese war has become so complex that a critical understanding of the situation and its possible solutions is impossible

Pardee--The Upward Urge

Shortly after we moved into Straus C. 32 freshman year, Christopher Pardeo, high-jumper extraordinaire, stretched a bring from one wall

Twenty-Nine Undergraduate Departments: What They Teach and How They Teach It

"The cause of improved education," David Riesman has written, "would be enormously aided if some impartial yet 'fearless agency' could

Cliffies to Jump, Dive and Toss in 23 Sports

"When I get the urge to exercise," a bespectacled Cliffie said yawning, "I like to lie down until the urge

Vu Van Thai

The French are gone from Southeast Asia, but there's a lingering trace of Talleyrand in Vu Van Thai, South Vietnam's

Jean Lacouture

Jean Lacouture is a mild-mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper. And for him, that is enough. But since his

Lacouture Attacks Taylor Testimony

French journalist Jean Lacouture, author of three books on Vietnam and a research fellow at Harvard, last night criticized General

Bomb Falls on Frisco

Right from the moment he was born, there have been two opinions about Ronald Reagan. "I think he's perfectly wonderful,"

How Europe Sees Vietnam

While U.S. troops and the Vietcong ambush each other in the ladrang Valley, Europe's former imperial powers view the fighting

James Farmer

"I abhor violence," insists James Farmer, the National Director of CORE, "but I love a battle." Although he usually restricts

Study Counsel

A student with a problem at this large and sometimes inpersonal university often feels relatively alone. But depending on how

Presidential Succession

The assassination of such a young and vital man as John F. Kennedy tragically demonstrates the great vulnerability of the
