

Jonathan B. Propp

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Trouble in Scotland

T HERE ARE LOTS OF SWORDS in this Macbeth. Daggers, too. Those crazy Scots eat with them, greet with them,

Coming Attractions

W HILE MARGARET THATCHER'S Conservative Party conference in Brighton was under siege for its failing economic policies, one of her

Detroit Breakdown

N EXT MONTH MORE THAN 30,000 Ford and General Motors employees will join the ranks of the 200,000 auto workers

Death of the American Dream

W ESLEY IS PISSING on his sister's 4-H diagrams of how to carve a broiled chicken. Emma, in a fit

Stoppard's Timepiece

B RITANNIA has never been easily translated to the Harvard stage, and not simply because of the funny accents. A

Guns and Barter

J UST THREE MONTHS after legislative approval of the M-X, the new mobile missile, there is another addition to the
