

Jack D. Burke jr.

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Hubert's Wagon

"I never though I'd live to see the day when Hubert H. Humphrey was the most conservative candidate to seek

Albert Arnold Gore

A T FIRST U.S. Sen. Albert Gore (D-Tenn.) seems too jovial and soft-spoken to be one of the heroes in

William B. Spong Jr.

"I WAS really impressed," a Law School politico said last week after talking with U.S. Senator William B. Spong Jr.

'Wallace: LBJ's Man'

"I F I were President Johnson and I wanted to be re-elected," Barry Goldwater has said, "I would put George

Budget Populism

"A FTER carefully weighing priorities" for the 1969 budget, President Johnson reduced federal grants for college building programs in order

Student Loan Bank Plan

Last September the President's Commission on Educational Innovation announced a revolutionary plan that would guarantee any student as much money
