

Roger G. Kuo

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Up Close With Robert Coles

That angry crowd some 30 years ago, and the six-year-old Ruby Bridges at the center of it, inspired a personal

Daring to Do Lincoln

After half a century of teaching and with two Pulitzer Prizes under his belt, Warren Professor of American History David

Psychologist Finds Shyness Inherited, But Not Permanent

In what he describes as "the most exciting" results of his 30 years of research on shyness, Starch Professor of

College May End Senior Honors Hourlies

Under a proposal to be considered by the Faculty Council later this spring, the College would discontinue the practice of

The Troubled History of Afro-Am

When Thomson Professor of Government Harvey C. Mansfield suggested at a forum last week that Harvard's Afro-American Studies department ought

B-School Tries to Help War-Worried Students

The Business School administration has encouraged students worried about the Persian Gulf War to take time off from usual activities."

Panelists Discuss Environment

Environmental problems stem from deep-rooted flaws within the structure of developed society, said environmental advocates assembled at the Kennedy School

Frozen Yogurt War Intensifies

A war is heating up in Harvard Square. When the nationwide yogurt franchise TCBY opens later this week on Mt.

Anti-Abortion Journal Released

In an effort to promote more progressive anti-abortion views, the Harvard-Radcliffe Progressive Alliance for Life (HRPAL) yesterday released the first

Caterer Starts Soup Kitchen

A year and a half ago, Lee Hourhian found a way to help the increasing numbers of homeless in Cambridge

Research Suggests Teaching Changes

A Harvard study released yesterday found that small adjustments in current teaching practices--the practices employed in most undergraduate classes here--can
