

Murad S. Hussain

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Two summers ago, I was visiting Israel and Egypt with Paul, my best friend from high school. Our El-Al flight

Beth Stewart '00

In a recent phone interview, FM probed the deep dark secrets of Beth Stewart '00. Undergraduate Council president. FM: What's

A Teetotaler's Thoughts

It's only four days after spring break and I'm already swamped. Among other things, I have a psychology thesis prospectus

Who's the Idiot Now?

I admit: the utility of what I know is debatable: Fred "Mr." Rogers is an ordained Presbyterian minister. Henry Mancini

How to Be Cool

"Cool" may be nothing more than a mental state. Unfortunately, not all college guys live there...yet. Hopefully, with some careful

Arts First Celebrations Draw Crowds

Despite occasional rain and overcast skies, participants said Harvard's fifth annual Arts First Weekend was a triumph of creativity and

IOP Chooses Next Set Of Committee Chairs

The Institute of Politics (IOP) held elections Sunday afternoon for its 1997 fall semester committee chairs. The Student Advisory Committee
