

Jacques E.C. Hymans

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Ivory Tower Blues

T his is one of those vivid memories that you make, keep and then don't know what to do with:

Somalia--White Man's Burden?

W ith more than a dozen soldiers dead and thousands more arriving to avenge their deaths, America is searching for

Clinton's Fatal Balkan Trap

1964: Against its will, America is falling into war. The goals of the war are undefined. There is no end

White House Pillow Talk

TO: HRC FROM: Bill RE: Political Strategy 1. The pundits were already writing us off. They were saying we weren't

They're All Muddy Water

The Crimson often makes mistakes, but in Wednesday's and today's editorials on the environment, it has surpassed itself. Who is

Freely Trading His Principles

I n this election season, President Bush has positioned himself as an unabashed supporter of free trade, as a man

Misjudging Maastricht

O n September 20, the French people voted in favor of the Maastricht Treaty on European unity. Now all that

Don't Blame Bush

THE CRIMSON has taken a more thoughtful stand on this issue than one might have expected. In refusing to jump

Don't Go Wobbly

U NTIL A COUPLE of weeks ago, George Bush had been in hasty retreat from his internationalist ways. With Patrick

Judgment at Maastricht

O NE EVENING last summer, I sat on the porch of the home of a family friend, a Belgian official

...And a Speech for Dolts

T HE YARD WAS drop-dead gorgeous when I arrived there at 2:30 last Friday afternoon. They say that God makes

E. Europeans Visit Med School

In an effort to exchange ideas about medical education between the United States and Eastern Europe, Harvard Medical School students
