

Thomas B. Reston

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Cuba's Refugees

The old American Embassy in Havana is a good walk from the center of town, down a long hill bordered

OAS Power Struggle

In Latin America one of the common metaphors for relations between the United States and its 21 "sister republics" is

Crew Aiming for 1968 Olympics

The Harvard heavyweight crew enters a new league this summer, -- international and club competition, including the Vesper Boat Club

Eliot Era Ends; Kirkland Rowers Win House Race

The mini-world of House crew was stunned yesterday as over a decade of Eliot dominance was unceremoniously dunked in the

Crew Coasts to 4th Straight Sprint Crown

When the shells came into view at the Eastern Sprints in Worcester Saturday, everyone saw what they expected to see.

Harvard Crews Should Dominate Once More in Eastern Sprints

When the faithful gather in Worcester for the Eastern Sprints this Saturday, they are likely to see another day of

Heavy Crew Downs Penn, Navy

Year-long scores were settled on the Charles Saturday as Harvard's heavyweight varsity and first freshmen turned back challenges from a

Crew Takes 21st Straight by Deck-Length

Harvard's heavyweight crew preserved its three-year string of wins by only a deck length in its opener against Northeastern Saturday.

Crews Take to the Water

Harvard's crews are back on the water again after a first try ended when the Charles River froze over last

"I Weep to You for the First Help": African Youth Apply to American Colleges

"About four miles overlooking lake victoria is situated our crazy hut, thatched of grass but without furniture due to intense
