

Steven J. S. glick

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C'mon, Change the Sheets

L AST week I wet my bed, but it only dampened one area of the sheets, so I didn't do

Will We Meet the Real World?

A s Europe outgrows its postwar political arrangements, the Soviet Union experiments with captialism, and Japan becomes a major international

Spence, Bok To Redesign Minority Hiring Plan

President Bok and Dean of the Faculty A. Michael Spence will appoint a panel of faculty and administrators to help

Razo Trial Slated for May 31

The California trial of Jose L. Razo '89, who faces charges of armed robbery and attempted escape from police has

HRAAA Presents Candidates

Pounding on the doors of Harvard power, representatives of the Harvard and Radcliffe Alumni Against Apartheid (HRAAA), joined by students

Med Students Finish Work in Philippines

A group of 17 Harvard Medical School student returned from the Philippines last week after completing a month-long program deemed
