

Sunah N. Kim

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Buy One, Get some

On a Wednesday afternoon, two women in overalls walk into a little Central Square shop and ask for Joe, the

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

TUCKED IN AN OBSCURE POCKET OF MASS AVENUE, Your Hair Salon could easily be overlooked by Your Average Pedestrian. But

Hollywood or Chem 10?

In Chem 10 lecture, you may have seen her calmly taking notes. But on the silver screen, you saw her

In Cliff We Trust

It's 11 p.m. That paper on Dickens's use of irony is due in but scant hours, yet Bleak House is

Hard Work, Real Life For Class of '93

Media reports have spread the mournful message of young people in search of employment or, at least, a useful purpose.

Hard Work, Real Life For Class of '93

Media reports have spread the mournful message of young people in search of employment or, at least, a useful purpose.

Rawls' Final Lecture?

To the accompaniment of occasional camera flashes and loud applause, Conant University Professor of Philosophy Emeritus John Rawls yesterday ended

Latino Culture Celebrated

Three Latino student groups are sponsoring an intercollegiate conference today as part of a month-long series of events on Latin

Abuse of Women Discussed

A Take Back the Night panel of speakers urged greater awareness of the violence perpetrated against women and of society's

Bass Drum To Receive Complete Overhaul

After almost half a century of spurring Harvard teams on to victory, the University Band's trademark Big Bass Drum is

Weekend Blast Shakes Building

Cambridge Fire Department and Harvard Police officials rushed to the scene of an explosion in the Jefferson building of the

The Big Money

The NCAA men's basketball title will be decided tonight in Minneapolis, Minn., and, though Harvard won't be represented on the

Police Hunt for Abducted Children

The search for two foster children abducted from a Cambridge elementary school over a week ago is continuing, a spokesperson

Cantabrigians Express Concern About Crime, Security in City

Only 14.4 percent of Cantabrigians feel very safe at night in their neighborhoods, according to the Cambridge Human Services sponsored

Experts Discuss Breakup Of USSR

Leading political experts discussed the fate of the former Soviet Union and its possible impact on the United States in
