

Raymond A. Sokolov jr.

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Euripedes' Electra

Poor old Euripides shuddered in his urn again last night while a curiously halting and pigeon-toed bevy of our too-familiar


There was a time, barely a year ago, when Mosaic was packed with lame fiction and sickly personal essays that

Le Amiche

To defend Antonioni is impossible: his foes call him a bore, and all the talk in the world can't convince

The Balcony

It was-long and repetitious, erotic and most certainly absurd. Yes, it was another evening in the Living Theater. Director Phil

A Day at the Library

Sitting at his favorite place in the Widener reading room, near the windows and directly off the center aisle, Gridley

Yale and Harvard Glee Clubs

I still can't shake my old impression of the annual football concert: it is primarily a school rivalry and only


Nixon may think he got the shaft, but Dan Drasin '65 got the king's elevator this week. Drasin filmed Sunday


I have had it with aristocracies. Corrupt, sleek, lascivious queer or cruel, Italian, French or Spanish, they all amount to

White Nights

In the days when Marilyn Monroe was just breaking into motion pictures, well before most people had ever seen her

Last Year at Marienbad

Ever since Thomas Alva Edison invented the motion picture, men have tried to make films that exploited the full potential

Twelfth Night

The Lord of Misrule has proclaimed the onset of midsummer madness at Eliot House, and a lovelier holiday feast-time never

Twelfth Night

The Lord of Misrule has proclaimed the onset of midsummer madness at Eliot House, and a lovelier holiday feast-time never

The Odes of Horace

Until Steele Commager's The Odes of Horace is published next week, it will still be possible to say that the

The Advocate

Until recently the Advocate read like the house organ for a literary club. The same names appeared again and again,

The Hidden Fortress

Akira Kurosawa's The Hidden Fortress is a true folk epic. It has a cast of thousands, plenty of fighting, a
