

Beong-soo Kim

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The Politics of Our Values

W e've known for a while that our workaholic, wavering, Big-Mac-attacked President is far from perfect. But we decided when

The Myth of (Asian) America

W hile many people assailed Bill Clinton's Cabinet nominations last month as affirmative action at the highest level of government,

Who's Next?

S HE WAS only twelve years-old at the time, but Lillian Kimura still remebers that day in March 50 years

Radcliffe Child Care To Move to DeWolfe St.

A Radcliffe child care program that watches over more than 50 University-affiliated infants and toddlers will take up residence in

Applications Up By Three Percent

Despite a shrinking pool of high school seniors nationwide, the number of applicants to the College increased by more than

South Asian Instruction May Be Cut

If Associate Professor of Indo-Muslim Culture Ali S. Asani decides to leave the University at the end of this year,

City Completes Search For Police Commissioner

Cambridge wrapped up its nation-wide search for candidates to fill its newly-created police commissioner post last week with the announcement

Smith College Students Protest

A group of students at Smith College has taken an old protest standby, the sit-in, one step further--about 30 undergraduates

Panel Attacks Senator Helms

The Massachusetts gubernatorial race may seem a bit vicious, but AIDS-activists this weekend painted a picture of an even more

Leverett Residents Losing Sleep

Some Leverett tower and Quincy House residents have been rudely awakened in the morning this year by the sounds of

Review Flap Ripples Through the College Right

The controversy over the appearance of an anti-semitic passage in the Dartmouth Review last month has sent tremors rippling through

Students to Receive 5.5 % Rebate From Coop Today

The Harvard Cooperative Society, blaming a fall in sales, officially announced this week that this year's rebate to members would

Scholars Discuss Ethics In Science Center Panel

Three Harvard scholars gathered to discuss the "quiet revolution" taking place in ethics education and touched on the difficulties of

Commons Gets Playground

The hulking presence of a bulldozer and the incessant buzz of a power drill did not keep five year-old Daniel

Columbia Sets $1.15 Billion Goal In Record-Breaking Fund Drive

Columbia University officially kicked off the largest fundraising drive ever attempted by an institution of higher learning this week with
