

Alison D. Morantz

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Med School Psychiatrist Relinquishes License

Following publicized reports of his sexual involvement with three female patients 15 years ago, a psychiatrist affiliated with the Medical

New Drugs May Combat AIDS

Research teams at two Harvard-affiliated hospitals believe they may have found two drugs that fight the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

Harvard Chemist Wins Japan Prize

The Japan Prize for 1989 was awarded yesterday to a Harvard organic chemist who has led the development of bio-organic

Pudding Honors Turner, Williams

And the winners are...Kathleen Turner and Robin Williams! Hasty Pudding Theatricals, which traditionally bestows the prestigious Pudding Pot on their

Med. School Looks into Faculty Regulation

Concern over the Medical School's ability to regulate its faculty grew last fall when one top administrator resigned after admitting

Music + Math: A Common Equation?

One of Noam D. Elkies' earliest memories is climbing onto his mother's piano bench to practice counting the black and

Expert Says Dinosaurs Deserve Better Image

The familiar picture of the plodding, cold-blooded, dim-witted dinosaur inching his way through steamy swamps may look nice in coloring
