

Hope Scott

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Phillips Brooks House Changes Its Politics

Doug Schmidt paused for a moment, leaned further back in his armchair, and lifted a coke bottle to his lips.

Room 13: A Little Help From Their Friends

Late one night during registration week, a telephone rang in the basement of Stoughton Hall. A co-director of "Room 13"--a

Women Employee Organization Plans to Press for Equal Pay

The steering committee of the newly-formed "Women Employed at Harvard" met last night and determined that the foremost issue confronting

Two Harvard Seniors to Coach Radcliffe Tennis and Squash

Seniors Dan Gordon and Peter Briggs just can't get enough of Harvard. Both of them will return after graduating this

Promise of Summer Gold Mine Attracts Students to Midwest

"Summer Employment--$210/Week." This is how the Southwestern Company of Nashville, Tenn., last week advertised its need for door-to-door dictionary salesmen.

Lack of Finances Forces Halt To Massive Sever Renovation

A lack of funds is forcing Harvard to postpone an extensive renovation of Sever Hall, although partial renovation to accomodate
