

Gregory R. Schwartz

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Republicans Sing Caucus Blues

M ORE than anything else, Iowa 1988 will be remembered as the beginning of the end for the Republican Party's

Only 49 Students Will Chat With Charles

Although the 49 students chosen to have afternoon tea with Charles, Prince of Wales, will have only about 30 seconds

New Health Care System Called for to Lower Escalating Costs

A significant restructuring of the government's role in the health care system is the most promising plan for containing rapidly

Women Sailors Earn a Berth in Nationals

For the fourth time in the last five years, the Harvard women's varsity sailing team will compete in the National

Two Sophomores Snag Truman Scholarships

Two sophomores have been named Truman Scholars for 1986 and can receive more than $20,000 in scholarships in the coming

Dukakis Advocates Breathalyzers

In an address yesterday at the School of Public Health, Governor Michael S. Dukakis lobbied for the passage of a

More Than 100 Prefects Selected For Next Year

In preparation for a second full year of operation, the organizers of the freshman prefect program have selected nearly twice

Laxwomen Crunch Cornell, Boston College

The Harvard women's lacrosse team moved two steps closer to Ivy League and Big Four championships yesterday, trouncing Cornell and
