

Mark Chaffie

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Defiant Survival

W HEN THE FOUR black South Africans who wrote and act in Survival performed the play in their own country,

A Triple Play

E VERY DIRECTOR worth his or her salt wants to do Shakespeare at some point in a career, but in

Failing to Compel

W EDNESDAY EVENING the Loeb Mainstage offered a production the likes of which have not been seen in ten years--it

A Sharp-Tongued Savior

A LL TOO OFTEN the difference between an uninspiring show and a good one lies in the energy a cast

This Sporting Life

A MERICA IS DRUNK WITH sports. Every nation has some sort of sporting passion--witness European nations when their national teams

Females Need Not Apply

The University announced this week it had opened up additional federally-funded College Work-Study slots, because several Harvard undergraduates who had
