

Jennifer L. Burns

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I Want My Reading Period

I t's a plot. Slowly, surely, they're taking reading period away from us. The official calendar lists "reading period" as

Strawberries Closes Harvard Square Store

The Strawberries Music and Video store at 38 JFK St. closed last week. Several sources said the record store closed

Harvard TFs Happy; See No Labor Problems

While at Harvard there is nary a whisper of discontent among graduate students, the Yale administration is preparing to defend

Popular Prof. Tenured

Jay M. Harris, teacher of the popular core course Foreign Cultures 56: "Jewish Life in Eastern Europe," received tenure this

Campus Watch

In a case challenging an alleged a pattern of gender bias, a former administrator at Yale Medical School is suing

Campus Watch

Yale is dead. That, at least, is the conclusion reached by an article in this month's issue of GQ magazine.

Campus Watch

Like Harvard, Dartmouth College is considering major changes in student transcripts to combat perceived grade inflation. According to an article

Campus Watch

Fraternities around the country have once again come under scrutiny after a recent series of deaths and disfigurements. A recent

Budget Aids Research

President Clinton's proposed federal budget for fiscal 1995 will increase funding for science and technology research at universities, according to


A cartoon depicting future Harvard professor Cornel West '74, which ran in The Daily Princetonian last week, has sparked controversy

Campus Watch

If this week is any indication, Black Jewish relations may become the dominant issue on the nation's campuses this spring.

Sachs Quits As Economic Consultant To Yeltsin

Stone Professor of International Trade Jeffrey D. Sachs withdrew Friday from his position as economic advisor to Russia. Sachs, a

Thinclads Take See-Saw Meet

Before each meet, Harvard track and field Coach Frank Haggerty makes an imaginary scorecard to predict his team's performance. And

Students Discuss Gays

Students debated the prevalence of homophobia in the Black community at Harvard and elsewhere last night. The discussion, co-sponsored by

Investment Policy Considered

The University will reconsider its current investment policy regarding South Africa due to political changes in the country, according to
