

William C. Slaughter

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Police Discuss Insensitivity

As violence sparked by the controversial Rodney King verdict racked Los Angeles yesterday, Harvard University Police Chief Paul E. Johnson

Carson Discusses Success, Ghetto

Young people growing up in America's inner cities need not feel trapped by their ghetto environment, said Dr. Benjamin S.

Students Endorse Clinton

The Harvard-Radcliffe college Democrats jumped on the bandwagon this week and joined several other organizations in endorsing Arkansas Gov. Bill

Alternate Highway Proposal Unveiled

Responding to months of vociferous opposition from Cambridge residents, state transportation officials held an open house last night to unveil

Dunster, Adams Tie For Food Service Cup

Maybe it's the dim lighting. The Adams and Dunster House dining halls recently tied for the Director's Cup, an award

Crimson Goes Green

While U2 rocked at Boston Garden last night and green beer flowed in profusion, at least one Harvard professor born

Company Urges People to Recycle

Cambridge residents have not participated in the city's new recycling program as much as some observers would like. "Recycling has

Students Hit Polls in Large Numbers

Local voters braved gray skies and chilly weather to support their favorite candidates in yesterday's presidential primaries as election officials

Michelangelo Virus To Wreak Havoc Today

Bob Montgomery, a systems engineer for the Harvard Coop's computer department, has been swamped with phone calls about Michelangelo this

Speaker Talks on Footbinding

Footbinding and similar social customs were important in defining women's roles in pre-modern Chinese society, said a Women's History Week

Moore to Plug Cheating Book

Every College student has probably considered cheating at one time or another. But before now, no one has figured out

B-School Student Assaulted, Robbed

In one of several crimes reported on Monday, a Harvard Business School student was assaulted near Hamilton Hall at the
