

Ronnetta L. Fagan

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George & Lennie on the Big Screen

As the theater darkened for the premiere for Gary Sinise's adaptation of the John Steinbeck classic "Of Mice and Men,"

New Movies

Of Mice and Men As the theater darkened for the premiere of Gary Sinise's adaptation of the John Steinbeck classic

Governing the Harvard Drama Community, HRDC Organizes Casting, Adjudicates Disputes

Last Thursday, I attended the black tie opening of Dreamgirls at the Loeb Mainstage. it was a full house; the

Life Is No Joke When Your Kids Hate You

I magine a story about a single mother with dreams of becoming a stand-up comedian. Then imagine that the woman's

One Woman Seizes Control of Life

Marcia Chellis' Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Lives would be more aptly titled Eight Women Who Lucked Out . The author's subtitle,

Officers Declared Not Biased

A citizens police-watch group announced last night that it had cleared two officers accused of misconduct by a Harvard School

See my Valentine:

Many people may already be familiar with Shirley Valentine since this British production made its debut on the big screen
