

Jerome L. Rappaport

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Harvard Women Hoopsters Fall to Terriers, 70-57

The Harvard women's basketball team dropped its final game of the year to Boston University last night, 70-57. Debra Miller,

B&G Tests Mather's Cold Dining Hall

The Department of Buildings and Grounds (B&G) installed a thermometer in the Mather House dining room in response to complaints

Elis Travel by Harvard Women, 61-44

In a game that matched the two deadlocked second-place teams in the Ivy League, Harvard's women cagers lost a well-played

Jumbos Outrun Harvard Women

Harvard's flu-ridden women's track team yesterday lost a nip-and-tuck battle with the Tufts runners, 47 1/2 to 45 1/2, but

Chavez Ends UFW Boycott Of Lettuce, Grapes and Gallo

Harvard Square wine merchants said yesterday they will not increase their stock of Gallo wine despite an announcement Tuesday by

Thayer and Hurlbut Win in First Round Of Frosh Tourney

In this time of the NCAA's and the NIT, the Freshman Intramural Basketball League is holding its tournament this week.

Hawker Protests Phoenix Decision On Selling Policy

Two Cambridge hawkers tacked a poster on the Harvard Square Kiosk yesterday, protesting the Boston Phoenix's decision two weeks ago

Frosh Cagers Destroy Green Machine

The freshman basketball team, paced by Ray McGuire's 25 points, destroyed the favored Green Machine of Dartmouth, 78-59, in the
