

Daniel B. Jacobs

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Billy Budd

It's good theatre, that has to be admitted, a night well spent. But just why, I can't figure out. If

The Playgoer

"The Bystander," presented by the Harvard and Radcliffe Playwrights Groups Tuesday evening, marks the realization by those groups of their

The Playgoer

Donald Ogden Stewart has brought forth a new play which falls at the outset from paucity of drama inherent in

Teachers Call Anti-Communist Law Unwise, Unneeded, and Unworkable

This is the third in a series of stories orienting the University against a war background. The first two articles,

Fight on California Oath Continues

On this and the following six pages, the CRIMSON presents its second annual survey of academic freedom. When we printed


If your go to the Harvard Archives on the fourth level of Lamont Library and take from the shelves the


In September, 1926, a wealthy industrialist named Rudolf Haas was arrested in Magdeburg, Germany, charged with murder. He was later

A Calm Look at the Present

No one notices the thin black lines that divide one news story from another in a newspaper. But they stand

Dreams from the past

Out of the intellectual ferment that was Paris in the Twenties burst many strange and sometimes wonderful aberrations. The grand


Recent dispatches from Rome report that Roberto Rossellini repudiates the American version of "Stromboli." I don't blame him. But he


A blue convertible Cadillac coups atopped before the south door of Memorial Hall yesterday afternoon. For a half hour or


What has been called 'the "Carmen Illusion" about Spain has faded a bit in the past decade. But a bit

The Crimson Bookshelf

Anyone could have seen it coming. No man could stare so intently at the world and himself and his fellow-men

Within the Council's Smoky Chambers

(This article marks the inauguration of a new Crimson editorial feature. It is intended, in the first place, to provide
