

Catherine R. Heer

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Harvard M.D. Finds Cancer Drug

A Medical School doctor said yesterday he and another researcher have found a new treatment for prostate cancer without the


Dr. T. Berry Brazelton, associate professor of Pediatrics at the Medical School is something of a renegade. At 65 his

Cabot House Residents Face Change

With a heavy turnover in House staff and the selection of a new master apparently stalled, Cabot House residents are

Harvard Gears Up for Olympic Soccer

The University is gearing up to host the first round of the Olympic soccer games which will take place in

E.O. Wilson Wins Prize for Work on Insects and Ecology

Baird Professor of Science Edward O Wilson has won the $150,000 John and Alice Tyler Ecology Energy prize for his

1964 Olympic Gold Medal Winner Billy Mills Recalls His Struggle to Overcome Prejudice

American Indian Billy Mills, who 20 years ago became the first American to win an Olympic gold in the 10,000

Three Harvard Students Win $20,000 Truman Scholarships

Three Harvard sophomores was Truman Scholarships for their commitment to public service, the Harry 8 Truman Scholarship Foundation announced last
