

Doug Fouquet

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Indians Meet '52 Eleven at Soldiers Field

Dartmouth's Indians pay a return call to Cambridge this afternoon when their Freshman football team drops in at the Stadium

Freshman, Jayvee Football Teams Meet Terriers Today

Freshman and Jayvee elevens open the football weekend simultaneously this afternoon when both take on squads from Boston University in

Yardling Aerial Attack Whips Exeter by 19-0

The Freshman football squad uncovered an impressive aerial attack against Exeter Academy Saturday, and as a result picked up its

Lining Them Up

With only one touchdown scored in two games so far, no outside observer would offer much for the season's chances

Heavy Holy Cross Eleven Rolls Over Freshmen, 19-0

The '52 football team found itself unable to run or pass against a Holy Cross squad that was as nimble

'52 Eleven Meets H.C. Here Today

Henry Lamar's Freshman eleven locks horns with a beefy Holy Cross squad this afternoon at the Stadium in the only

Andover Topples Freshman Eleven in Stadium Opener

The Crimson Freshmen uncovered a strong offensive attack in their Saturday game with Andover, but because they couldn't catch their

'52 Grid Team Opens Season With Andover

The Freshman football squad serves up the local gridiron entertainment this afternoon at the Stadium, where Andover will be on
